Saturday, April 28, 2012

Who is ACTUALLY doing well?

One of the joys of facebook is the ability to keep in contact with people from your past in a happen-upon sort of way. This week the people that I knew from the Quixtar business have surfaced in my newsfeed with "platinum qualification" and pictures of their paychecks prominently displayed.

First of all what kind of asshole people post photographs of their PAYCHECKS on facebook?

Second of all while it seems great that these folks have managed to achieve the highly regarded "platinum" level in the Amway business plan, its a bit more complicated than that.

Taking advantage of a new security system package the Amway offers which has a gigantic one time incentive, this business group has pushed its members to just sell these. What this has effectively done is boost their business all the way up to the "7500PV" level where they start actually making money.

The Problem is that the massive bonus is ONE TIME ONLY which means that this security system sales push is completely unsustainable, making their "platinum qualification" completely unfounded.

The more I hear from these Amway buddies of mine the more I smile and shake my head!

I should probably jump on that class action lawsuit!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Oh whats this? An Email from Amway?

Just the other day I was going through my email and sipping on my morning coffee when I came across an email that i must have taken for trash previously. This email was from "Amway/Quixtar Settlement Administrator"


It turns out that Amway is a part of a LARGE class action lawsuit involving not only the costing of their products, but the recruitment of IBO's and their self proclaimed essential "business tools"

Check it out!

If You Were an Amway/Quixtar Distributor at Any Time Between
January 1, 2003 and February 21, 2012 You Could Get Benefits from a Settlement.
Si usted fue distribuidor de Amway/Quixtar en cualquier momento entre el 1 de enero de 2003 y el 21 de
febrero 2012, podrá obtener beneficios del acuerdo logrado a partir de una demanda colectiva.
Para una notificación en Espanol, llamar 1-888-334-6149 o visitar
Records show that you are a current or former Amway/Quixtar distributor. A lawsuit was filed against Quixtar, Inc., (“Quixtar”) over its pricing of goods and its recruitment of Quixtar distributors, whom the company calls “Independent Business Owners” (“IBOs”). Quixtar denies that it did anything wrong. The Settlement includes $34 million in cash, $21 million (retail value) in free products, and a legal commitment from Quixtar that it will change certain business practices. Go to for more information and to file a claim online.
Who’s Included? You are included in the Settlement if at any time between January 1, 2003 and February 21, 2012, you were an IBO or a legal entity through which an IBO conducted a Quixtar-related business.
What Can You Get? Former IBOs who quit Quixtar before February 21, 2012 may be eligible to receive a cash payment and/or free products. Former IBOs may be eligible to get (1) up to $75 in free products if you paid a registration fee which was not refunded and if you did not renew your Quixtar distributorship; (2) up to $2,000 to repay you for the purchase of business support materials, and (3) up to $10,000 if you lost more than $10,000 or filed for bankruptcy because of your participation as an IBO. Current IBOs are not eligible to receive compensation from the Settlement, however, they will benefit from certain business reforms.
How to Get Benefits? You must submit a Claim Form to get benefits. The Claim Form is available or by calling 1-888-334-6149. You can submit a Claim Form online or by mail. The deadline to submit a Claim Form is August 17, 2012.
Your Other Rights. If you do nothing, your rights will be affected. If you do not want to be legally bound by the Settlement, you must exclude yourself from the Settlement. The deadline to exclude yourself is August 17, 2012. If you do not exclude yourself you will not be able to sue Quixtar and sellers of “business support materials” for any claim relating to the lawsuit. If you stay in the Settlement, you may object to it by August 17, 2012. You may object by sending a letter to the Claims Administrator at PO Box 8035 Faribault, MN 55021 which will be provided to the Court. The Court will hold a hearing on November 16, 2012 to consider whether to approve the Settlement and award attorneys’ fees. You can appear at the hearing, but you don’t have to. You can hire your own attorney, at your own expense, to appear or speak for you at the hearing. The detailed notice, available at or by calling 1-888-334-6149, further explains how to exclude yourself or object.
Attorneys’ FeesThe Plaintiffs’ attorneys anticipate seeking fees of $15,000,000 (15 million dollars). Any awarded attorneys’ fees and costs will be paid from the Cash Settlement Fund. The Plaintiffs' attorneys will submit an application for attorneys' fees to the Court by May 27, 2012, which may then be viewed at
For more information or a Claim Form: 1-888-334-6149

Perhaps I should follow up on this and visit Am I due for some compensation here?!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Old Acquaintances.

I took a trip to the mall today with some friends of mine. Maine is probably one of the most boring places to live, especially in the wintertime if one does not partake in the winter sports thing. I ran into a friend of mine, Greg P. Greg has been working with Quixtar for a couple of years now. He is a 2500-pin, meaning he gets 2500PV per month, which converts to a pretty good monthly income. He has it made though, with his parents being successful with the Quixtar business model. The only member of Gregs family that holds any type of job is his mother, who occasionally works for an accounting firm to mantian a family health plan. Greg was taking frequent trips to the mall, and today he was mall tripping with a diamond level IBO whos name I can't recall. Greg is not someone who i would consider to be a particularly intelligent person. He does, however, have this whole Quixtar thing made. It's seeing people like that making the business model succeed that allow myself to continue to question Quixtar and its potential. The only thing I honestly dont enjoy about the experience is the reputation (it isn't good at all).
"If Greg can do it, then so can I" keeps going through my head...