I took a trip to the mall today with some friends of mine. Maine is probably one of the most boring places to live, especially in the wintertime if one does not partake in the winter sports thing. I ran into a friend of mine, Greg P. Greg has been working with Quixtar for a couple of years now. He is a 2500-pin, meaning he gets 2500PV per month, which converts to a pretty good monthly income. He has it made though, with his parents being successful with the Quixtar business model. The only member of Gregs family that holds any type of job is his mother, who occasionally works for an accounting firm to mantian a family health plan. Greg was taking frequent trips to the mall, and today he was mall tripping with a diamond level IBO whos name I can't recall. Greg is not someone who i would consider to be a particularly intelligent person. He does, however, have this whole Quixtar thing made. It's seeing people like that making the business model succeed that allow myself to continue to question Quixtar and its potential. The only thing I honestly dont enjoy about the experience is the reputation (it isn't good at all).
"If Greg can do it, then so can I" keeps going through my head...
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