Monday, August 11, 2008

On Hold

Despite the great amount of excitement I have towards owning my own business, I cannot continue until i have something to drive!!! Its very frustrating to try and book/attend interviews for people when I find it hard to get to a coffee shop 3 or 4 miles away! haha, Almost ironic. I have to look for a second job too, just to keep things going for the time being, Its difficult to live when you are only working 1 or 2 days a week. Oh well, wish me luck, chances are in a few days ill be seen around town in a Kia Sephia or something Shit like that.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Keeping my peace

Honestly sometimes i find media on the internet that has very discouraging things to say about the way that Quixtar is run. Oftentimes they also have some very convincing evidence to accompany what they are saying about the company. Honestly whatever the case may be, I want to see that it is false from pure personal experience. I want to reach the end of what this is and stare into the truth of the company, so in the meantime, I mantain my skepticism while continuing to make progress in the company. I hope to see my first check from this company reading over 100 dollars. That might help the promise.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Definition of Quixtar

Quixtar, although seemingly similar to a pyramid, has some very fundamental differences from such a scheme.
1. There are no bonuses for recruitment.
2. There is almost no overhead cost.
3. Money back guarentee on anything for 6 months post registration.
4. There is a wonderful assortment of products that are nessecary to move in order to make money.

Essentially, "recruiting" more people just leverages your ability to gain income with this system. The products are great, i use them every day in my place of living.

In conclusion, Quixtar is not a pyramid scheme, due to the lack of recruitment bonuses, too heavy an emphasis on product purchase, and the fact that people much lower than you in the line of IBO's (individual business owners) can make much much more money than you in given circumstances.

Definition of a Pyramid Scheme

"A pyramid scheme is a scheme in which an individual pays for the right to recruit additional persons into the scheme who, in turn, recieve the same right to recieve profits from recruiting others.
Three common elements of a pyramid scheme have been identified as:
1. A large, required initial investment or purchase of inventory.
2. Direct payment for recruiting additional persons into the scheme.
3. Heavy emphasis on recruiting additional persons, with little or no emphasis on selling products to consumers."

Doesn't seem like a definition of Quixtar...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My Enthusiasm!

So far so good.
I have been interviewing my friends consistently and consistently they ave been interested. After giving the Quixtar plan further thought it has occurred to me that the system does work. You have to work your ass off to make it big, but the opportunity is in fact out there if you want to take it. It IS POSSIBLE to make 700,000 dollars a year. They arnet lying. I plan to make this system work knowing it is real. I cant imagine retiring at an age like 23 years old!

The business ownership tax deductions are a bonus. I get 50.5 cents a mile for all business related travel as well as toll and parking reimbursement, not to mention a vast array of additional deductions. If i bought a laptop and use it for business i get a deduction. ANY MONEY I put into this business entitles me to some sort of deduction! My tax check will be enormous come next year. Hopefully ill be making an extra 20k by next year. Who knows. Frankly it comes down to a test of charisma and motivation.

If someone told you you had the opportunity to retire within 5 years from now, would you take it? would you not work until otherwise unable, putting in every spare moment of time into something that could help you be free so quickly? Quixtar, with your full dedication, can offer that.

Personally I dont want to work till im 80. I want to walk out of my job one day around my 23rd-24th birthday and drive to the nearest airport......

and never see the state of maine, maybe even the U.S ever again.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Summer conference 2008

Just a couple of days ago I attended the "Bryan summer Conference 2008" held down in Danvers Mass. I was told it was pretty much going to change my life, and the 130 dollars i spent to go down there were entirely refundable if i decided it wasnt for me.

Why not just get a first hand experience of what it's all about then?

I mostly liked it. I slept on a floor for two nights in a row, but it felt right. The only thing that made me unconfortable was the high number of clearly christian people who would occasionally talk about "the lord and savior jesus christ" and how great he was. Yuck. Honestly that was a pretty big downer, but I just left the enormous function room when someone decided to have an extended talk about fairy tales. Additionally, some of these people make closer to a million dollars than not (and some far more) so its not my place to even try and call them out on something like that.

I learned a few valuable pointers about the business. It was really just motivational. We were continually asked "are you fired up?!", and I saw through that entirely.

50% educational, 20% fun, 30% bullshit. Not too bad for a 130bucks right?

All in all, im going to try and make this business work for me for now. If I could retire at 23 years old (3 years from now) then I would work 120 hours a week to make sure I get there.

Im not ready to fail at this.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Beggining

There are so many skeptical people out there.
This is Thomas here, creating the very first of what i hope to be many entries on my personal journey through the Quixtar corportation. Quixtar, known by many people, seems to have a marred reputation, often times viewed as "just another scam" or a "Pyramid scheme."

I love the idea of Entrepreneurism. I go forth and create something on my own accord, on my own time. What I can put in is what I can get out. But while the idea of owning your own business is a wonderful idea, there are so many get rich quick schemes and catchy but ultimately fallacious "roads to success" that finding something thats actually useful is more challenging than any other single part of the process.

Truth: I want my own business.

Just over a week and a half ago i was approached by a Quixtar representative. He had a lot of good things to say. We connected on many levels about individual business ownership. What he had to offer seemed too good to be true.

I was not going to be sold that easily. Could this just be another more elaborate way to trick me out of my hard earned money?