Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Beggining

There are so many skeptical people out there.
This is Thomas here, creating the very first of what i hope to be many entries on my personal journey through the Quixtar corportation. Quixtar, known by many people, seems to have a marred reputation, often times viewed as "just another scam" or a "Pyramid scheme."

I love the idea of Entrepreneurism. I go forth and create something on my own accord, on my own time. What I can put in is what I can get out. But while the idea of owning your own business is a wonderful idea, there are so many get rich quick schemes and catchy but ultimately fallacious "roads to success" that finding something thats actually useful is more challenging than any other single part of the process.

Truth: I want my own business.

Just over a week and a half ago i was approached by a Quixtar representative. He had a lot of good things to say. We connected on many levels about individual business ownership. What he had to offer seemed too good to be true.

I was not going to be sold that easily. Could this just be another more elaborate way to trick me out of my hard earned money?

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