Monday, March 2, 2009

Old Acquaintances.

I took a trip to the mall today with some friends of mine. Maine is probably one of the most boring places to live, especially in the wintertime if one does not partake in the winter sports thing. I ran into a friend of mine, Greg P. Greg has been working with Quixtar for a couple of years now. He is a 2500-pin, meaning he gets 2500PV per month, which converts to a pretty good monthly income. He has it made though, with his parents being successful with the Quixtar business model. The only member of Gregs family that holds any type of job is his mother, who occasionally works for an accounting firm to mantian a family health plan. Greg was taking frequent trips to the mall, and today he was mall tripping with a diamond level IBO whos name I can't recall. Greg is not someone who i would consider to be a particularly intelligent person. He does, however, have this whole Quixtar thing made. It's seeing people like that making the business model succeed that allow myself to continue to question Quixtar and its potential. The only thing I honestly dont enjoy about the experience is the reputation (it isn't good at all).
"If Greg can do it, then so can I" keeps going through my head...

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Should I go back?

Quixtar has been doing a number of things recently that really benefit IBO's. They have increased starting IBO bonuses drastically, putting over 10 million dollars into a new fastrack program. While that is all good and well my previous experience with starting bonuses is that they never happpen the way they are supposed to. While making over 2000 dollars in the first 3 months sounds very appealing and is very possible, the chances of this occuring are very low indeed. However the idea that this potential income from the "Fast track" program are available does show that this is a real oppportunity.
Another action taken by the Quixtar Corporation lately is to cut the IBO prices of most items by 18%, creating not only a larger retail profit margin going straight to the IBO, but more incentive to purchase the products at such a heavy discount.

Friday, February 27, 2009

An informational post (?)

Here is some of the positive information regarding the Quixtar business.

About Quixtar
Quixtar is one of the biggest business-success stories of the 21st century.
Quixtar is the pioneer of the I-commerce business model, which is the convergence of four key elements: the Individual, the Internet, a full-service Infrastructure, and Independent Business Ownership. This dynamic combination provides a business opportunity unlike anything online or on land.
Quixtar is based near Grand Rapids, Michigan. Quixtar Canada Corp. is headquartered in London, Ontario, Canada.
Quixtar Inc. reported sales of $1.035 billion in its last fiscal year and is the number-one online health and beauty retailer.
About the Quixtar Plan
With Quixtar’s Independent Business Ownership Plan, each IBO sets his own goals and decides how much time and effort to invest. The beauty of Quixtar’s plan is that every IBO has the opportunity to reach levels equal to or greater than his sponsoring IBO. Success is as individual as each Independent Business Owner.
Quixtar’s business plan follows the same established plan cited by the Michigan Attorney General as an example of a legal, legitimate tiered marketing business. There are four key elements that make the Quixtar Plan legal and a model of integrity:
Sales-based compensation. Compensation in the Quixtar Plan is based on sales of products and services to consumers. An IBO who sponsors/registers other IBOs earns income based on his own sales and on sales made by his downline IBOs. IBOs cannot receive income based on sales by downline IBOs without meeting specified retail selling requirements each month.
No “headhunting fee.” An IBO is never compensated for merely sponsoring another IBO.
No purchase requirements. There are absolutely no minimum product purchases that an IBO must make.
Buyback rights. If an IBO wishes to discontinue his business, any currently marketable and unused inventory will be bought back, upon request, by either the sponsoring IBO or Quixtar.
The Michigan Attorney General, in fact, clearly delineates that the plan upon which Quixtar’s is based is legal. Additionally, this plan has been cited in many Federal and State courts and agencies as the legal and viable way to operate a business with a tiered compensation plan.
With Quixtar, you can feel confident that you’re partnering with a credible, successful business organization. "

Out of the loop. I'm back

I haven't been a member of Quixtar for a long time now (roughly 3 months).
To be honest with you, while I never created any serious profit from this venture, I can understand why it's such a cool thing to be a part of. To be honest I actually miss it. It was the whole idea of hope and determination and drive to succeed. Above all else it taught me that success is truly out there, perhaps even around the next corner. It's really all about the mindset of succeeding. I came out of the experience with the mindset and the drive to make sure that in the near future I will be successful. Who knows, Quixtar is changing its ways and improving on itself now. I never said I would swear it off forever. I may be drawn back to it in the future.